Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"The Pioneer Woman and her Punks...Finally Posted"

So that only took, what, three days?

Something about the size of the videos, which I don't get all cuz I broke up the interview up into bite sized chunks (wonder if that's where the word sound bite comes from) just for Blogger.

Anywho...what I've got for you tonight is two of those chunks. The cuter-than-bugs boys talking about their mama and their mama talking about blogging and bloggers. That would be us, right?

Tomorrow...God and Ron willing...I'll post Ree reflecting on why she thinks her blog is so successful.
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  1. Oh Trish, you weren't kidding when you said those boys were adorable!

  2. Super cute interview with the boys!

  3. Great Job! I love what Ree said about technology making us more isolated, it is so true!

  4. This was fantastic! Absolutely enjoyed each interview clip but his one with the boys is so charming. I got to talk with the boys in K.C. and they signed my books...we all enjoyed their UFC matches and mic sounds. Thanks Ron for the great help you gave Trish!
