Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Much Ado About a Donkey"

A couple of days ago I told you about a story I did about a cute little donkey rescued just in time for Christmas. Turns out the donkey, named Eeyore by the folks who rescued him, has quite a personality.
If you missed the story because you live outside of the Twin Cities area, you can watch it right here.

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  1. That just breaks my heart. Yet also, brings JOY that they were able to help him (Eeyore). :) I can't believe how horrible his hooves had gotten. Just awful. What a neat story about a determined little donkey. Thank you for sharing that, Trish.

  2. I love this story! I'm also feeling like I need to be more prompt with my comments, because my dear friend Jess seems to have taken all the words I want to say! :)
